For any Conflict Prevention and Resolution mechanism to make the desired impact in our ever-evolving society, the Peace Builder must be fully equipped with the requisite communication skills and robust community engagement strategies. These skills are a must-have for conflict transformation in Plateau State and elsewhere.
It is against this background that the PPBA organized a two-day training on “Communication and Conflict Management Skills” for members of its staff. The training which had both theoretical and practical sessions was engaging.
TThe practical sessions exposed staff to the deployment of strategies like Popular Theatrics, Theatre for Development (TFD), etc. in communicating with stakeholders at the community level.
Our gratitude goes to the GIZ,German International Cooperation for the support and to The Plateau State Governor and Chairman, Northern Governors’ Forum, NGF, Rt. Hon. Barr Simon Bako Lalong, KSGG for his continued support to the PPBA and his commitment to build a virile, secure and a Peaceful Plateau of our dream.